Who Is Slip.Net ? Slip.Net is a nationwide Internet Service Provider with extensive experience in voice and data communications. Our goal is to make the internet as easy to use as possible. Many users are overwhelmed with the vast resources on the Internet and just plain don't know where to start. The Slip.Net Launcher is a pre-configured installation and program manager which includes all of the latest and greatest internet applications, most of which are Shareware. The Slip.Net Launcher could also be thought of as an Internet Shareware Suite which is constantly updated with the 'best of class'. We've found that many of the Shareware applications are actually better than their commercial counterparts. Slip.Net offers local dial-up from many cities around the United States. For users who can't access Slip.Net with a local call, we offer free dial-up access to our service for anyone willing to make a long distance call. This service is provided as a marketing research vehicle to identify where to open our next local site and as a service to internet users who are in remote areas where a local point of presence will probably never be installed. Slip.Net is also committed to providing you with the technical support you need to get the most out of your Internet experience. We offer 24 hour technical support to help you overcome any challenges that meet you along your way. While the manufacturer's of the various commercial on-ramp packages are probably in the best position to answer your specific questions about their applications, we can help make sure you can overcome any configuration or dial-in script specifics needed to connect to Slip.Net. We do provide complete support for any of the Shareware applications included in the Slip.Net Launcher. Our technical support department can be reached by calling 415.281.3196. For assistance on getting setup with a Slip.Net account please call our sales department at 1.800.SLIP.NET. What's included in the Slip.Net Launcher The Slip.Net Launcher is your one-stop setup to all of the great windows internet applications available on the internet as Shareware or Freeware. This version of the "Launcher" includes: Dialer + TCP/IP Stack (Winsock.DLL): Trumpet Winsock Electronic Mail Eudora 1.44 E-mail World Wide Web Browser Cello /Netscape Info File Transfer (FTP) WS_FTP Terminal Program (Telnet) EWAN - Ansi + VT100 Gopher HGOPHER File Locator (Archie) WS_ARCIE User Lookup (Finger) finger Internet Relay Chat (IRC) WSIRC News (usenet newsgroups) Trumpet newsreader Graphics Viewer LVIEW Ripscript Communications Software RIPTERM 1.54 Telnet modem COMt Help Slip.Net assistance knowledgebase Each of these packages has use and redistribution restrictions. Please register any of the packages that you use. The Shareware concept works because highly talented shareware authors rely on your good faith to support their efforts by paying a small registration fee. The registration information can be found in each application's subdirectory which is located in C:\SLIPNET\appname . In order to use the Slip.Net Internet Launcher you will need a Slip.Net account which you can obtain for FREE. Please call us at 415.281.3197 if you don't already have an account. Registering your copy of the Slip.Net Launcher While we hope that you use the Slip.Net Launcher to access Slip.Net, we realize that in order to share the value of the Launcher with the entire Internet community we shouldn't restrict it to only accessing Slip.Net's service. You may reconfigure the dialer and dial-in script to access another provider although we will not provide assistance with such. This software is not Public Domain, nor is it Freeware. It may be re-distributed as long as it is not modified in any form whatsoever and as long as no fee other than shipping/handling is charged. You may not distribute the Launcher with dial-in scripts to access any other provider than Slip.Net although you may provide an additonal readme file that explains how as long as you don't alter this readme file. Registration: If you use Slip.Net as your Internet Service Provider you may use the Slip.Net Launcher free of charge. If you use another Internet Service Provider you may use this software free for 30 days after which you must either de-install the software or send $30 to Slip.Net at 25 Stillman Street #200, San Francisco, CA, 94107. For site licensing of the Launcher and a separate Network Installation disk, please contact our sales department at 415.281.3197. Updates and Suggestions: Please e-mail support@slip.net with any suggestions you have on how to make the Launcher a better product. We are interested in hearing about bugs, quirks or your recommendations on which applications to include. If you find an application that is better than the one's we've included, we'll be happy to include it instead. The goal of the Launcher is to provide the best of each type of internet application. Please attach the application you've found in your e-mail message to support@slip.net.